Christmas in 2020

Hey ya’ll! I hope this finds you all doing well….or as well as we can all do in these crazy times! At the least, I’m hoping you and your families are healthy, and able to navigate your way through all the ‘Social distancing’, and ‘mask wearing’, and for some, city or county, or even State shutdowns. Who would have imagined, a year ago, we would all be having to deal with all this?? I’m sending prayers up for all of you who are in need of them, for whatever reason. I love you all!

So, Christmas is taking on a whole new ‘look’, if you will, for many of us. I will just say, we are not a family who are ‘freaking out’ over the whole Coronavirus deal. However, we do take what we feel are the necessary steps for US and OUR family. Of course, that may be much different for others. My husband tells folks all the time, “We have been practicing Social Distancing since 2008, when we bought and started our little Ranch.” And he is so right, lol.

I’m sure many of you who have farms and ranches would probably put yourselves in our ‘category’ of folks in that sense. We spend WAY more time here at the Ranch than out visiting and traveling, and other social events. These cattle and horses, and the Ranch in general, require us to be here, working. Feeding, sorting, breeding, building/fixing fences, cutting grass, baling hay,….I could go on and on, but you get the picture.

Christmas is one of my favorite, no, it IS my favorite holiday! I love Jesus, and I love celebrating His Birthday! For me, it is the time of year when I can slow down life just a little and be reminded of just how much we need to be loving each other. Granted, this love SHOULD be given freely year-round, and I really work hard at doing that, but Christmas just fills my heart with so much love it feels like it could burst at any time.

I’ll be honest folks, I am a hugger! Yes, I said it! I AM a hugger! Lately, they want us to quit hugging. Sorry, if I feel safe to do so, and the other person feels safe doing it……THEY’RE GETTIN’ A HUG!!

So, at Christmas time, I like to decorate. Most folks do, I think. I don’t do much on the outside, yet, but I really love to fill the inside of the house with lots of beautiful lights, red bows and ribbons, and the smell of pine! It gives me that ‘warm on the inside’ feel when I can turn off all the lights and the house just glows with the soft lights of Christmas!

Oh Christmas Tree!, Oh Christmas Tree!…..

How do ya’ll decorate for Christmas? I would love to hear how YOU like to decorate and celebrate Christmas. How are ya’ll handling being with or not being with family this year? Leave me a message Contact me! and maybe a picture of your decorations!

So, for us, we (my hubby and I) actually took the week of Christmas off this year. Something we have never done since we’ve been together. But, all of our kids and grandkids were planning on coming home for Christmas, which never happens either! Anyway, all of our kids live away from home.

Our oldest Son, Johnny and his family live in California. He is in the Navy, and that is where he is stationed. He recently qualified for a big promotion (Yayyy Johnny!), but unfortunately, his promotional process will keep him and the family from making it home for the holidays. 🙁

Our oldest daughter, Allie, lives in Pennsylvania. She is an accountant, and is very busy with her business. She is spending her Christmas with her Mom and her Mom’s family. I think the virus is part of her altering her plans, which makes me sad, but we want her to stay safe.

Our next in line, Dustin, and his girlfriend Emily, are traveling healthcare folks. Their assignment right now is in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Unfortunately, Dustin has some recent flu-like symptoms, so he will be staying in Texas for Christmas. His test was negative for Coronavirus, but he doesn’t want to risk spreading flu to us or his grandmother, who is here with us right next door.

Our youngest, Katie, and her family are in Deleware. There have been some possible COVID exposures there, so they have elected to stay put for the holidays.

All that makes me a little sad. We were so looking forward to having everyone home at one time, which NEVER happens, but it is what it is. We all will deal with it! And fortunately, this day and age, we can facetime with all of them at once, so we will still get to see them, I just won’t be able to squeeze ’em all in big ole hugs!

So, this year, I finally decided to get my grandmother’s recipe out for her famous sugar cookies, and try my hand at them! I have fond memories of those sugar cookies from when I was a child growing up. They were my favorite thing that she ever made, and she made a LOT!

I remember, you could stop by my grandmother’s house, anytime of the day, and she would have a full meal cooked and ready to feed whomever stopped by! It was crazy! AND, dessert! Around Christmas was those delicious sugar cookies!

Anyway, I attempted them, and, they came out pretty good! Now, I don’t do all the fancy decorating yet, I just ice them the way she always did. Oh, but the taste… on! Do ya’ll have a favorite cookie you love to bake, or just eat around Christmas? Drop me a line on my contact page Contact me! and let me in on your favorites!

Our Christmas meal this year! Well, it was planned to be a pretty big meal with everyone being home, but as things are, it will just be my hubby and I and my Momma! Which is fine, I still feel blessed! We’re just going to scale the whole thing back a little. We’re having a Ham as the star of the show! I know, I know, we raise cattle, right!? Well, Ham just seems to be more fitting for the Christmas meal to us. Not to say we wouldn’t ever end up cooking a big ole Brisket sometime! Sounds kinda good, huh?

Gift exchange! How do ya’ll do gift exchange? Sometimes, we draw names, which helps with cost for those who don’t have a lot, or may be just getting by. We have been there before, and I’m sure most folks have, or may be right now. Don’t worry! The gifts should be on the bottom of the priority list when it comes to family time, in my opinion. I would be perfectly fine with NO gifts, if it came down to it. As long as I am able to be with my family.

Let’s face it, though. Giving is an awesome feeling! Giving is the whole idea of the holiday season. But giving doesn’t have to be in the form of gifts. Let’s not forget that! You can give so many things! I think the biggest and most important thing I can give, is my time and compassion, and I love giving it! Even simple gestures or a smile can change someone’s day!

My hope for you all this Christmas season, is for you all to be able to have your family around you, healthy and happy, and to enjoy all the things about Christmas that make the season memorable for you. Please don’t forget the, as they say, the “REAL REASON FOR THE SEASON”, which is to celebrate JESUS!

So, for now, I am signing off. The cows are calling!

Until next time! Be Safe, and Be Blessed!